Target Tracker is target monitoring software that allows you and your staff to keep track of your performance with your suppliers.
The key benefits of monitoring your performance against targets, is that it guides and motivates your sales staff to switch sell, and direct sales to key suppliers, helping you to achieve over-rides and incentives. Your sales staff will also know that certain targets have been reached, and can therefore switch to other suppliers.
With a very simple interface and real time information, Incentivize can quickly motivate your staff to reach targets.
As easily as clicking on a claim and entering a few simple details about the booking. Staff do not need to take very much time out of their working day to claim their incentives.
Admin can keep track easily of all payments made and claims to settle.
Target Tracker is designed to be a quick reference tool, with the least complexity possible. To achieve this, it uses charts to quickly show the sales person how the company is performing, and which supplier to support, while not disturbing their sales.
Target Tracker has an administration area which you can use to enter the companies performance over any intervals they choose. We can also automate this process for you, by using an interface between Target Tracker and your suppliers, or back office system.
Target Tracker gives a very quick and clear guide to your staff, to understand where there sales should go, and which suppliers to support. By giving this quick and live feedback to your staff, it will motivate them to reach their targets, especially as they near them.
Reaching more targets, will lead to real benefits as you are rewarded by your suppliers with over-rides and incentives.
Target Tracker will strengthen your relationship with you key suppliers, as you can prove to them that your sales will be focused towards them. They will see that you have real control on what products your staff sell, and which suppliers they choose. They will see the real benefits of being on your Target Tracker system, and the potential sales that could be lost if they are not.
Target Tracker allows all your sales staff to see up-to-date tracking of your company performance against targets. This can encourage switch selling as needed and direct sales to the right suppliers, helping you to achieve targets and earn over-ride commissions and incentives.
If you'd like to learn more about what Target Tracker can do for your travel agency, please just contact us and we'll be happy to help you.